Sunday, October 27, 2013

Shock Therapy for OCD

OCD is a difficult disorder to treat. The disorder is associated with distressing obtrusive thoughts, which so far have only been partially controlled with drug therapy. Well, there is something new now. Shock therapy, similar to one that is used to treat depression is now being used to treat certain patients with OCD. However, there is one major difference between the device that is used to treat depression. The latest devices made by Cyberonics and Medtronic’s are the size of a small pacemaker that is implanted in the body. The pacemaker does not cause seizures but delivers stimulation to certain nerves that relieves the disturbing thoughts. The first Medtronic’s Reclaim Deep Brain Stimulator has just been approved for use on people with chronic OCD.

Even though there are millions of people who suffer from OCD, this device is only available for individuals with severe OCD who have failed drug therapy. At present, the Medtronic’s device is set to be inserted in less than 4,000 individuals per year.

However, the question is does this device work? Well, from the limited clinical studies, the device has relieved obtrusive thoughts in some individuals but patients still need to continue to take their medications.

Reclaim is not a cure for OCD but just another modality of treatment that is more invasive. 

For the consumer, it is important to understand that this procedure requires surgery, which is not only prohibitively expensive but also associated with serious complications. Similar devices used to treat Parkinson disease but the results have been mediocre at best. 

It seems that whenever medical therapy fails to treat patients with mental disorders, someone always comes up with a surgical treatment. Do not be a sucker and fall for this BS. Read about the device and talk to people who have had the procedure done. After all medicine is big business and patient welfare is not always a priority.

Cylapril for weight loss

Can I lose weight with cylapril?

Cylapril is a non-prescription pill that is hyped up to help boost your energy and revitalize your body. In the process, you will also lose weight. Manufacturers of Cylapril claim that the pill works by stimulating the adrenal glands. This results in synthesis of hormones which helps the body fight stress.

There is nothing special in Cylapril that can help you lose weight or boost your energy. Sure, the formula contains bees wax. The company claims that bees Wax helps the brain relax, reduces anxiety, tension and fatigue. Bees wax also postulated to protect the adrenal gland from further stress related injury and allows the gland to recover. The last I heard is that the bee population in North America is rapidly dying- so bees wax cannot be all that great.
Cylapril is nothing more than a scam. Many testimonials claim it is a rip off. Once you have bought the pills, you have no refunds, no guarantee, and no one to complain to.

 The company is now being investigated by FDA because of falsified claims. For all consumers, please read the testimonials about this product before you buy this expensive pill. The only thing guaranteed with cylapril is that you will have spent your money on more junk pills.

What can I use to treat excessive perspiration? Part 2

An anti perspirant contains aluminum that can block sweat pores and decreases sweating. Deodorants only get rid of the odor temporarily but do not reduce amount of sweating. Therefore, it is important that one buy the right product. There are hundreds of deodorants and many have fragrances that help reduce odor of sweating. When these over the counter deodorants fail to work, the next option is to get prescription anti perspirants like Drysol or Xerac that may help. One should always apply the anti perspirant to areas of sweating since many of them contain chemicals that can cause severe skin irritation.

To compliment the effects of deodorants and anti perspirants one should also bath frequently, change clothes often, wear cotton garments, frequently change shoes and socks, and keep the feet dry at all times.

Individuals who continue to have sweaty palms or armpits, do have another great option- a surgical procedure done with a camera (Thoracoscopic sympathectomy) that produces excellent results. Of course, you also need to select a decent surgeon to perform the procedure. Before you rush to surgery, try using an antiperspirant. Many surgeons now offer this procedure and f..k ups are common.

What can I use to treat excessive perspiration? Part 1

When you sweat a lot, it is medically known as diaphoresis. Sweating is not life threatening but most individuals find it both socially and personally unacceptable. Sweating sucks big time.

Everyone sweats to a certain degree; it is a means of keeping cool. Most of us sweat underneath the arms, on soles of the feet and palms of the hand. Sweating occurs when we exercise or are working in a warm environment. Sometimes excess sweating may be due to use of certain medications. Most people feel warm and sweat when excess coffee is consumed. Medical disorders associated with excess sweating include over activity of the thyroid gland, fever, low blood sugar, menopause and certain infections.

While come of us sweat while performing strenuous exercise, there are some unlucky individuals who sweat profusely while doing nothing. These unfortunate individuals have sweaty palms all the time and are embarrassed about shaking hands. Individuals who sweat all the time have to change clothes frequently to prevent the characteristic odor of sweat. In most cases, excess sweating can be handled with some common sense home remedies. However, sometimes one may need to see a health care provider for treatment.

In many individuals, excess sweating is simply due to bad luck. For the consumer, it is very important to know that treatment of excess sweating starts at home with over the counter remedies. One should not rush to a doctor for treatment; it is the rare individual who needs anything more than an anti perspirant or a deodorant.

What is the Sugar Busters Diet?

Sugar is bad, it is a poison, it is a toxin, and this is what the Sugar busters diet is all about. You stop eating sugar, all your troubles will be over- and you will be thin. Because sugars are found in many foods, everything has to be omitted from the diet. One cannot even eat certain fruits and vegetables- because sugars are harmful to health.

The authors of Sugar Busters diet claim that by avoiding sugars, this will also lead to lowering of blood cholesterol and will also help control your diabetes more effectively. Once you get rid of sugar in your diet, you will feel great, have tons of energy, and live to one hundred years old.

The sugar busters diet was written by a number of physicians from New Orleans. These physicians observed that the population of New Orleans was grossly overweight and instantly realized it was the sugar that was a problem. The great thing about this diet is that there is no need to count calories or even buy a scale. Just decrease the sugar and cut down on size of your portions. These doctors are smart because they do mention that if you continue to eat sugar then no amount of exercise will help you lose weight.

One point of note- this diet is not for individuals who love to exercise, jog, run, or be active. When one exercises, the sugar levels drop and if one is already on this diet with no sugars, then after the gym, you will most likely be taken to the nearest emergency room to get treated for very low sugars in your body.

The authors give out a long list of what you can eat on this diet. Well, rather than list two whole pages, it is easier to write down what the authors say you cannot eat. This is just two lines- you cannot eat potatoes, ice cream, jam, bread, beets, carrots, honey, pies, candy, chocolates, syrup, pancakes, all fruits with sugars, and anything else that contains sugar- definitely no sugar containing beverages.

However, you can eat lots of high fiber vegetables, grains, lean meat and fruits (without sugar). Red wine is allowed but beer is not. All the cooking is done in unsaturated fats.

To make the diet book more scientific and mystifying, these authors go into boring and dry explanations as to how and why their diet is the best in the world. The book goes on more details about insulin resistant and more crap. Remember, this is America and one can say anything or try to sell anything.
So, what do the food experts say about the sugar busters diet? They are not impressed. They think the diet is bunk and junk and has no science behind it. Just because one does not eat sugar does not mean that one cannot get fat. Eat rice, meat, chicken or steak everyday and you will soon develop a big butt and waist. More Americans have gotten fat from eating steak, pizza, hamburgers, and lack of exercise- not due to eating more sugars.

The food experts also caution individuals about eating foods low in carbohydrates and high in protein. This has been shown to cause damage to the liver, kidney and one can even develop serious mental problems. We already have lots of crazy people, psychos, stalkers, gang bangers, pistol packing students, cheaters, and liars- so why make the problem worse!

Well what about consumers who have tried this diet? There are a few testimonials on cyberspace about the sugar busters diet. The majority of consumers indicate that life without sugar is impossible. If one were to omit all foods without sugar, then the only thing left to eat is meat and seafood. If you have no money to buy expensive lobsters and steak, do not worry; a lot of cheap Chinese foods that taste like cardboard are available. However, if you are a vegetarian, you are in big shit because the majority of vegetables and fruits contain sugar.

So at the moment this sugar busters diet is just hogwash. It is not a sustainable diet. I mean how long can one go on eating foods with no sugar? A day or two at the most?

Surprisingly, the book did sell well. Nevertheless, the consumer has to remember, a book selling well is no reflection on how great the diet it. Finally, remember physicians also write books to make money because there are so many gullible (and stupid) people who tend to believe everything healthcare workers say. For those who have bought the sugar busters diet book, use it for firewood. For those who have not bought the book, go treat yourself to a nice cup of coffee (with sugar) and a strawberry cheesecake.

Retrograde ejaculation

Can you tell me what exactly is retrograde ejaculation?

Normally the male ejaculates the sperm out of the urethra, located at the base of the penis. In a patient who has retrograde ejaculation, the sperm shoot backwards and enter the balder instead of the penis. This is not harmful or life threatening. It is only a problem if you are trying to conceive. The disorder is often linked to diabetes, high blood pressure, some medications and after certain surgery procedures. I can tell you right now, the problem is not easy to correct. In some cases, it spontaneously corrects.

Stopping Zoloft

Can I stop Zoloft, I have been on it for several years?

Well, in general you can stop any medication you want. But I have no idea why you were on Zoloft and suggest that you speak to your doctor first before discontinuing the medication. In general, Zoloft should be tapered off gradually over a few weeks. Reduce the dose by a quarter each week. However, please speak to your doctor before you start mucking around with Zoloft. Too rapid cessation can lead to withdrawal symptoms and perhaps symptoms of your original disease may crop up.

Why do antipsychotics not work?

I am always told that antipsychotic drugs work for bipolar disorder but usually find out later that they do not. Why?

I sympathize with your statement. In all my years of medical training, we were always led to believe that many surgeons were unethical (besides being technically poor). Psychiatrists were held with high esteem, until recently. 

In the last two decades, it has become clear that some psychiatrists worked with pharmaceutical companies and played a major role in evaluation of most mental health medications. It was discovered that these f..kers manipulated data and only published positive results and hid the negative data. It is also widely believed that the latest DSM is a result of psychiatrists making up more fictitious diagnosis- so that they can prescribe more medications.

All I can tell you is that we really have no idea what works and what does not. Many of the past clinical trials were manipulated by these so-called great psychiatrists. My advice is seek help from a decent mental healthcare provider, who is not too keen on starting you on the latest drugs. Stick to a drug that works and do not go searching for that magic bullet-there is none.

Zoloft for BPD

Does Zoloft work for bipolar disorder?

Yes, Zoloft is sometimes prescribed to control the fluctuating mood in patients with BPD, it is a relatively safe drug and works well. There is also generic zoloft which works well.