Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why do birth defects occur?

Birth defects continue to occur despite good prenatal care. It is estimated that one in every 33 infants born in North America has some type of birth defect. Birth defects can affect almost any part of the body. Birth defects also vary in severity. Some infants may have a simple cleft lip but others may have serious heart defects. Birth defects of the heart can often be life threatening but most of these can be corrected with surgery within the first year of life. 

Unfortunately, in other parts of the world the majority of babies born with even the most simplest of heart defects die because of lack of surgeons. 

Birth defects can also affect the spinal cord. Also known as neural tube defects or spinal bifida, these birth defects affect about 1 in every 1,000 pregnancies. The mildest form of spinal cord defects are only of cosmetic concern, but other spinal cord defects can be life threatening. Even though spinal cord defects are rare, they account for a high number of newborn deaths. One of the ways to prevent spinal cord birth defects is to make sure that you take folic acid supplements during pregnancy.
Some of the most dramatic birth defects include the face. Both cleft lip and cleft palate can be visually unpleasing. These defects of the face occur in every 1,000 births and can be very deforming. Today, surgeons have made significant advances in plastic surgery and can correct even the most complex facial defects without leaving any traces of scar tissue.

Birth defects may also affect the intestine. The infant may have problems either swallowing or defecating. The bowels can be twisted, enlarged or there may be a large defect in the abdominal wall. Today, all these defects can be repaired.

While some birth defects are associated with genetic or chromosomal defects, the majority occur at random due to spontaneous mutations. Babies born with Down syndrome are quite prone to a number of birth defects. Down syndrome tends to be more common in women who conceive at an older age. Women who miscarry often do so because the fetus has severe birth defects and is unlikely to survive. 

While good prenatal care is essential in having a healthy baby, many birth defects occur by chance. Some birth defects are induced by medications or excess alcohol consumptions. Most birth defects occur during the early phase of pregnancy when the fetus is rapidly developing. Today, prenatal ultrasound can help make the diagnosis of birth defect early in pregnancy. In some cases, even surgery can be performed on the fetus. If the birth defect is very severe, then women do have an option of undergoing an abortion.

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