Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Symptoms of pregnancy at 8 weeks

The first eight weeks of pregnancy are marked by many physical and emotional changes. From the moment a woman learns that she is pregnant, there is an invisible transformation over the first 8 weeks. Deep inside the body, various sex hormones trigger a variety of functions that will nourish the fetus. Within the first few weeks after the pregnancy has been confirmed, the woman will start to develop the following symptoms:

The breasts may appear tender or usually sensitive to touch. Moreover, the breasts will start to feel heavier and appear fuller. It is recommended that women wear a decent supporting bra to relieve these symptoms.

Nausea usually starts at around 6 weeks and may be associated with frank vomiting. The nausea is usually worse in the morning but in some cases may last the entire day. The nausea may often be triggered by presence of food or certain smells. To help relieve nausea, it is recommended one eat small frequent meals throughout the day. The foods consumed should be low in fat, easy to digest and not too sweet or spicy. Drinking fluids like ginger ale does help reduce nausea and prevent dehydration. Foods that have a strong smell or aroma should be avoided. Any woman who seeks alternatives health care remedies like acupuncture, hypnosis, herbs or Yoga to relieve the nausea, should first consult with their doctor. Moreover, all women who have persistent nausea and are not been able to eat, drink or feel faint should contact the doctor.

The majority of women develop fatigue during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Even though the body has not gotten big, the hormonal changes occurring in preparation for pregnancy can cause intense exhaustion. To help fight fatigue, rest whenever possible. Make sure you are taking your vitamins and drinking adequate fluids. Try to include some type of physical activity, even walking, on a regular basis.

As the pregnancy progresses into the 6th-8th weeks, some women may suddenly start to urinate more often partly because the growing fetus is compressing the bladder. As the fetus continues to grow, you may sometimes even leak urine when you cough or laugh. To help prevent these embarrassing accidents, empty your bladder frequently. Drink less fluids just before bedtime, especially caffeine containing beverages. If you are stressed about leaking urine, then there are many panty liners that can provide you protection.

As the pregnancy progresses into the 7th and 8th weeks, you will find that your abdomen remains bloated and you are often constipated. To prevent constipation, eat small frequent meals, avoid spicy fried foods and carbonated beverages, and add plenty of fiber to your diet. Regular physical activity and lots of fluids may help relieve the constipation.

Finally, most women who are pregnant will also complain of dizziness. To prevent dizziness, avoid getting up quickly from a seating or lying down position. If you feel dizzy when standing, sit down promptly.

Besides the physical symptoms, some women may find that the first few weeks of pregnancy are filled with joy, anxiety, elation, exhaustion and exhilaration. These feelings are natural and take time to adjust. If you appear to develop episodes of crying or misgivings, talk to your partner or a friend for sympathy and support. If the mood changes ever become severe, speak to your doctor for extra support and ability to cope.

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