Sunday, October 27, 2013

What can I use to treat excessive perspiration? Part 1

When you sweat a lot, it is medically known as diaphoresis. Sweating is not life threatening but most individuals find it both socially and personally unacceptable. Sweating sucks big time.

Everyone sweats to a certain degree; it is a means of keeping cool. Most of us sweat underneath the arms, on soles of the feet and palms of the hand. Sweating occurs when we exercise or are working in a warm environment. Sometimes excess sweating may be due to use of certain medications. Most people feel warm and sweat when excess coffee is consumed. Medical disorders associated with excess sweating include over activity of the thyroid gland, fever, low blood sugar, menopause and certain infections.

While come of us sweat while performing strenuous exercise, there are some unlucky individuals who sweat profusely while doing nothing. These unfortunate individuals have sweaty palms all the time and are embarrassed about shaking hands. Individuals who sweat all the time have to change clothes frequently to prevent the characteristic odor of sweat. In most cases, excess sweating can be handled with some common sense home remedies. However, sometimes one may need to see a health care provider for treatment.

In many individuals, excess sweating is simply due to bad luck. For the consumer, it is very important to know that treatment of excess sweating starts at home with over the counter remedies. One should not rush to a doctor for treatment; it is the rare individual who needs anything more than an anti perspirant or a deodorant.

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