Sunday, October 27, 2013

What can I use to treat excessive perspiration? Part 2

An anti perspirant contains aluminum that can block sweat pores and decreases sweating. Deodorants only get rid of the odor temporarily but do not reduce amount of sweating. Therefore, it is important that one buy the right product. There are hundreds of deodorants and many have fragrances that help reduce odor of sweating. When these over the counter deodorants fail to work, the next option is to get prescription anti perspirants like Drysol or Xerac that may help. One should always apply the anti perspirant to areas of sweating since many of them contain chemicals that can cause severe skin irritation.

To compliment the effects of deodorants and anti perspirants one should also bath frequently, change clothes often, wear cotton garments, frequently change shoes and socks, and keep the feet dry at all times.

Individuals who continue to have sweaty palms or armpits, do have another great option- a surgical procedure done with a camera (Thoracoscopic sympathectomy) that produces excellent results. Of course, you also need to select a decent surgeon to perform the procedure. Before you rush to surgery, try using an antiperspirant. Many surgeons now offer this procedure and f..k ups are common.

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