Sunday, May 10, 2015

Chiropractic treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

Can a chiropractor help with my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)?
The initial symptoms of CTS may be tingling and pain in the middle three fingers. This may then progress to severe pain at night and later leads to inability to hold objects. Over time, the hand practically becomes disabled. There are numerous ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome including surgery. However, initial treatment of this syndrome is always conservative and may range from wearing of splint, physical therapy and rest. While chiropractic manipulation may help with neck and back problems, I doubt if this technique is useful for carpal tunnel. Physical therapy appears to be the most effective treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome when it is combined with heat and ice. Wear a splint at night and physical therapy in the morning. I am not even sure what  chiropractors do except charge patients a lot of money for some B.S joint manipulation—they are not real doctors anyway. The next group of doctors you should avoid are the ones who do surgery for CTS-the overall results are awful.

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