Saturday, November 2, 2013

Chantix to quit smoking

Does chantix actually help people quit smoking?

Before one jumps on the bandwagon and develops Chantix mania, one should know more about the drug. Closer evaluation of results published by the pharmaceutical company indicates that only 50% of individuals stayed of cigarettes after a full 12-week course of therapy and less than 25% were off cigarettes after one year. Further the research was done with the support of Pfizer and some consultants were paid by the same company to undertake the study. 

What this means is that the data on Chantix appear dubious and should be viewed with a grain of salt. If you were paid 100K by a drug company to evaluate their product, would you say it was bad? The tobacco industry usually funds research studies and in most cases employs doctors to analyze the results. These professionals are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars- so the results are ALWAYS BIASED. I wound not waste a dime on chantix- it is just another scam like Zyban designed to scam patients.

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