Saturday, November 2, 2013

Weight gain after quitting smoking

Does one always gain weight after quitting smoking?

Unfortunately, it is true; the vast majority of people who quit smoking do gain weight. The weight gain is quite variable but is obvious in most cases. The weight gain usually occurs gradually over the first few weeks and peaks at around the 4th -6th week after smoking cessation.

Experts claim that in smokers’, nicotine acts like an
appetite suppressant. As soon as nicotine levels in the brain decline, the suppression effect wears off and one starts to eat voraciously. Further nicotine also has thermogenic properties and burns off calories.

When people quit smoking, less fat and carbohydrate are burnt and
weight gain is inevitable. Finally, smokers usually not only have bad breath but also develop congestion of the nasal passages and have diminished sense of smell.

When one quits smoking, the sense of smell comes back and one finds food more palatable and appetizing. Individual who substitute snacks for cigarettes have the most significant weight gain. However, weight gain following smoking cessation is not inevitable and can be avoided. If you plan to quit smoking, start walking. Include physical activity in your daily life. Even walking 30 minutes twice a day is better than doing nothing. Physical activity also eases withdrawal symptoms, clears the mind and improves endurance.

Eat healthy foods and avoid fatty foods. If you eat snacks include fruits and vegetables. Eat several small portions a day and avoid sugary foods and alcoholic beverages.

If you feel the need to place something inside your mouth, chew sugar less gum, celery or use bite on a tooth pick.

Keep a diary of what you eat and limit yourself to 1600-1800 calories a day.
Consumers should remember that there is nothing pleasant about smoking. Besides bronchitis, bad breath and expense, the habit can also induce deadly
lung cancers.

Try and quit smoking, the weight gain may sound terrible but it is reversible.

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