Sunday, November 10, 2013

DMSO for joint pain

Does topical DMSO work for joint pain like osteoarthritis?

First, DMSO 50 is only approved for treatment of interstitial cystitis. The liquid formula is instilled into your bladder with a scope- it is not a fun procedure (try inserting a small straw in your urethra and you will get to know what I mean) and you will have a garlic smell for the entire day. There is no other formula of DMSO that has been approved for any other disorder. There are many herbal products that contain DMSO but no one knows the quality or the effectiveness of these products. 

By now you should know that most supplements come from the Orient. And most have been found to contain harmful additives. So I suggest you not use DSMO. Alternative healthcare providers often recommend DMSO- but these wanna be doctors are often clueless and offer bogus treatments.

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