Saturday, November 16, 2013

Butt lift options

What are options for a butt lift if I do not have the money for surgery?

If you do not have the money for a butt lift, then there are some prosthetic devices you can wear in you panties or around the hips that will reveal a voluptuous buttock. Of course, you cannot wear a bikini with it and you cannot brag about this secret to your friends. Moreover, if you bring your guy home, then you will have to quickly turn off the lights, remove the prosthesis and make sure that he does not see your behind. The cost of these prosthesis range from $30-$100 and come in many shapes and sizes. An other great option is Prozac-it will relax you and hopefully make you love yourself as you are.

Unattractive butt

I fret about my flat butt all the time. I do have the money but am not sure about the surgery. Should I go for it?

All plastic surgery is elective and one should never be rushed. Many women seem to find imperfections in their body, even though they look just fine. If you have been fretting over your butt, then the best advice is not to undergo surgery yet. Instead go and see a mental health professional and perhaps Prozac will do the trick. Prozac is cheaper and safer than any surgery. For every one female who had had a good result after butt surgery, there are many more who have had dreadful results. 

Remember, there are many bad surgeons who are in the business only for the money. If you decide to undergo surgery, speak to a patient for a referral.  And even when you do decide on the right surgeon, go for a holiday and give it a second thought. Many women end up with permanent complications by undergoing unnecessary surgeries.

Transmitting herpes

Can I transmit herpes even if I have no symptoms?

You sure can.
Despite what everyone thinks, not all herpes infections are associated with symptoms. A significant number of individuals have no symptoms at all and never even know they have a herpetic infection. Despite the fact these individuals have no signs or symptoms of an infection; they all have the capability of transmitting the infection to their partners. Most people who acquire genital herpes get it from a partner who has no symptoms. It is doubtful if anyone sane would have any type of a sexual activity with a partner in the presence of full-blown herpes infection. In fact, in the presence of an active infection, the affected individual will not have the desire to have sex with anyone.

how painful are herpetic lesions

I think I may have acquired genital herpes. Will the lesions become painful?

No one ever forgets an acute genital herpetic outbreak. The sores are tender to touch and even urination is painful. In those who are liberal in their sex life and acquire an anal infection, the feeling is like a hot-burning needle around the rectal area- in fact quite painful and pooping is almost impossible. Any thoughts of eroticism and sexual intercourse are always absent because of the pain. 

For men, blisters occur at the tip of the penis and cause difficulty with urination and even wearing tight undergarments can be very uncomfortable. Of course, men have the same degree of pain as women.

herpes after sex

How soon do herpes lesions appear after sex?

Herpes simplex has a fairly standard presentation. Those who become symptomatic from the infection never forget the episode and dread the beast. The symptoms usually arise 2-3 days after acquiring the infection following sexual activity. Most individuals will have an odd feeling, burning, tingling, pain or an odd ache in the genital area. A few days later, painful blisters will become prominent around the penis or vagina. The number of blisters is variable but most individuals develop at least a couple. The pain is sharp and burning in nature. Many an individual has required admission to the hospital for pain control from a herpetic genital infection.

Genital herpes

How long does a genital herpes infection last?

Almost all genital blisters turn into open ulcers after a few days. The soreness does diminish a little but the general ill health continues for 5-14 days. After about 7-10 days, the ulcers dry up, become crusted and fall off. The entire episode can last 7-12 days. After the initial infection, the virus disappears and goes into a latent stage and may never again cause an infection (if you are lucky). 

However, mind you the herpes virus never ever leaves the body and hides inside nerves. When the right opportunity presents, it again reactivates- albeit the pain is a little less this time.

Lasers and pain

I am thinking of going laser to rejuvenate my skin. Is this a painful procedure?

All lasers cause pain. However, the lighter strength lasers only sting for a second. Doctors do numb the skin so that you do not feel the pain. There are also some lasers with come with a cooling tip. If the laser does not hurt, it means it will do jack shit for you. The superficial mild lasers which do not hurt are worthless and are used to scam patients for thousands of dollars.

Lasers for antiaging!!!!

 Do lasers have an anti-aging benefit?

Have you been drinking or are you completely stupid? Nothing can reverse aging. There is no laser that can reverse aging and if your doctor says that, he is a F…ing liar. Lasers in some cases may smoothen the skin texture but this is only a temporary benefit. All the pictures of celebs you see on the internet are airbrushed and glossed over. They all look old -once the makeup and mascara has come off. Lasers will resurface the skin and make the texture soft, but this is only a transient thing.  Lasers are also prohibitively expensive and more often than not, people who undergo laser to look young, often come out with worse skin as a result of the complications.

Passing a herpes sore

If I have a herpes sore on my lips, is there anything I can take to prevent it from transferring to my girlfriend?

No, there is nothing you take but you sure can abstain from sex for a few days. When you have an active herpetic lesion, the chances of transmission are very high. Your girlfriend will not be happy if you give her this “great” present. There are anti-herpes medications but they do not prevent transmission of the virus.

Hate oral sex

My boyfriend insists on oral sex even when I have sores on my mouth. Is there any way to protect him and me from this sexual activity? I also hate swallowing semen.

Yes, several things you can do. The first one is to abstain from oral sex, which may not be a good enough answer for either of you. The second is to perform oral sex by insisting your boyfriend wear a condom. Today, there are many flavored types of condoms available, but in the end, you will still feel like you are sucking on rubber. There are some exotic dental dams that you can use. These devices are very uncomfortable, never fit properly in the mouth, make it difficult to suck on the penis and you will gag constantly. Leave these crap devices for the dentist and not oral sex. So those are your limited choices. 

If you hate swallowing semen, you can either spit it out or let your boyfriend pull out as soon as he is coming. More often than not, the semen is all over your face and hair. Not a lot of great options.

Oral sex

My boyfriend insists on oral sex every time we have sex. Is it true that everyone enjoys oral sex?

No, in fact, a significant number of women hate it, but do it to appease their partner. Many women also hate anal sex, but do it to please their partner. There is no medical harm from oral sex as long as the partner is free from sexually transmitted infections. What most women hate about oral sex is the male’s poor personal hygiene, which is a major turn off. Therefore, if you do not like an unclean penis in your mouth or the ghastly smell of an unwiped arse, you should tell your boyfriend to have a shower before sex. If he does not like your answer, time to get another boyfriend.

Salicylic peel for Acne

Do you think a salicylic peel can help my acne?

Only if you believe that there is Santa Claus. Acne is a difficult skin problem and no one treatment seems to work in everyone. As far as chemical peels are concerned, they do not work well at all for acne. In fact, more often than not, the skin condition will worsen. Please do not listen to the skin doctors and therapists who tell you that peels are the next best thing since slice bread. Just read the online reviews about peels and you will discover that the majority of people have a poor result. In addition, most people are out of hundreds of dollars.

I believe that the best treatment for acne is the retinoids. You will need a prescription for it. Try it, you will not be disappointed.  Trust me, I do not have any personal interest (or shares) in the product.

As far as peels are concerned, keep away from doctors who recommend this shit.

RFA for back pain

Is radiofrequency ablation a good procedure for back pain?

To be honest a few patients claim that they have had a good result, but the overall, majority say it sucks. Not only is it expensive, but you have to go for many sessions and in the end, you will be out of thousands of dollars. Some orthopedic doctors recommend this crap technique to patients but overall the majority have no improvement. 

Please remember one thing- medicine is a business and you will be sold many shitty treatments time to time. Best advice if you have back pain, keep away from orthopedic surgeons, as you will generally be worse off. Many of these surgeons are technically poor, have a high rate of complications and often do not care about patients.

Radiofrequency ablation is not a one shot deal and it does not relieve all types of muscle and joint pain. You are free to try it but you will definitely end up spending thousands of dollars for an iffy treatment with no guarantee that it will work.

Inversion table for back pain

Do you think an inversion table therapy can help my back pain?

Trust me, this is a gimmick developed by some orthopedic doctors and business people. It is simply bullshit. Do you think hanging a patient upside down or stretching the head and legs in opposite direction can realign your back? This therapy is for foolish people who are stupid, gullible, believe all the crap that some doctors say and have money to waste. 

While there are some good orthopedic doctors, those who offer this type of treatment are simply scoundrels. Keep away from them. You will quickly end up with many useless sessions and be out of thousands of dollars- unless you do not care about money. Some of most BS therapies for back pain are often offered by orthopedic doctors-so beware.

Luscious lips

How can I get my lips to look sexy and luscious without spending money on cosmetic surgery?

The key to achieving luscious and lovely lips is preventing them from being damaged in the first place. Before your lips get parched and dry, it is essential to wear a lip sunscreen regularly. There are numerous lip balms that contain a sunscreen. Sunscreens are essential to protect the lips against UV rays of the sun.

In addition, avoid toothpastes that contain a detergent like SLS. The labels on the toothpaste will tell you if this detergent is present. Detergents act like abrasives and rapidly damage the skin on the lips.

To prevent the lips from drying out it is essential that you drink lots of water or some type of liquid beverage (preferably not alcohol).

There are some lip products that contain glycolic acid. These lips products help maintain the hydration and act as protectant of the skin on the lips.

Always carry lip wax. The lip wax should be applied frequently on the lips to prevent drying and cracking of the lips

There are many lip products like gloss and lipstick, which not only make the lips look luscious and sexy, but they also protect the lips from drying out.

Unfortunately, most women only look after their face, breasts, and waistline but often forget the lips.

Removing a tattoo

I had a tattoo placed some years ago after a few drinks. Now i regret it and want to get it removed. Will any insurance pay for it?

No, tattoo removal is a cosmetic procedure and never paid by any insurance company. In fact, it is quite costly to get the tattoo removed. The best method is laser. Lasers can remove the dark tattoos but not the light colored sketches. Remember, it will cost you thousands of dollars to get the tattoo removed by the laser. All other methods suck. If it does not bother you too much, just cover it up. If it bothers you too much and you have no money, take a Prozac-it will calm you down.

Condom plus the pill

My girlfriend is on the pill and insists that I wear a condom during sex. Is this necessary?

No, your girlfriend is being unreasonable. The pills available today are very effective, as long as she does not miss any days. Millions of women take the pill, have sex and do not get pregnant. Therefore, a condom use is not justified. Perhaps she feels that you may pass an infection to her. Best advice - take her to a gynecologist and arrange for a counseling session on the pill. If she still insists on the condom, a psychiatric visit may do some good.

No protection during sex

I am a 22-year-old female and using no protection during sex. Is there a particularly safe time to have sex?

Unfortunately, there is no safe period for sex. You can get pregnant when you least expect it. The most dangerous period is from days 11 –days 15, after the start of your period. Unfortunately, the majority of women who want to have sex can never remember exactly where they are in their monthly cycle. The women who do remember the exact day of the month of their cycle are usually anal, high strung, bossy type, who make sex unpleasant with their insane demands and rules. 

Best advice, use some type of protection otherwise, you are going to get pregnant.

Vasectomy in a 22 year old

I am a 22-year-old male and have been thinking about a vasectomy. Any thoughts?

Are you crazy? You are way too young to undergo this permanent procedure. If you change your mind later on and want to have kids, you are in big shit. For all intents and purposes, vasectomy is permanent cannot be reversed. So grow up, go to school, read, and do not come up with crazy ideas like this. idiot.

Pulling out method for contraception

I am a 27-year-old female and hate using contraception. My boyfriend does not like to wear a condom and uses the pulling out method. Is this safe?

Coitus interruptus or the pulling out method is the least effective method of contraception. You chances of getting pregnant are very high. What you should understand that sperm are released in high numbers before a man ejaculates and you need only one to fertilize your egg. Best advice, speak to a family health counselor and seek something better than pulling out method. Besides “pulling out method” is not fun for either partner.

Spermicide duration

How long does a spermicide last?

The majority of spermicides available only last 45-60 minutes. If you have prolonged sex sessions, it is wise to continue using this jelly.

Spermicide and STD

Can a spermicidal condom prevent sexually transmitted disease?

No, there is no spermicide that can protect against STDs

Spermicide and condom

I have met a girl and we have decided to have sexual intercourse. She insists that I also use a spermicide in addition to condom. Any thoughts?

If you use a condom, there is zero need to use a spermicide. Spermicides are not much used today. The only time you need a spermicide with a condom, is if you do not know how to put on a condom, or the condom is too big for your penis and keeps on falling off. If you do not want to upset her feeling, just use the spermicide on the condom as a lubricant. It also works well for this purpose.

Caffeine pills

Are caffeine pills harmful?

Caffeine pills are widely available and many people take them. They are the same as a cup of coffee. However, if you take too many, you may develop difficulty sleeping, restlessness, tremors, headache, and palpitations. Caffeine can even cause dehydration. Best advice, limit the number of caffeine pills.

Taking illicit drugs

I am undergoing elective breast surgery in a few months. Should I tell my doctor if I use illicit drugs?

I think you should tell your doctor all the medications and other agents that you take; you do not have to worry about the doctor telling anyone, because this is confidential between you and the doctor. At least speak to the doctor first, but I am sure most doctors may even try to help you quit this addiction.

How to stop drinking

Are there any medications one can take to stop drinking alcohol?

Yes, but I do not recommend them. The first one is antabuse and it has been around for many decades. You take the pill an hour before you ingest alcohol. Later, if you consume alcohol, it causes a violent reaction that makes you vomit and retch. Unfortunately, some people also develop a heart attack. Antabuse is not widely prescribed today-unless the doctor is clueless about its adverse effects

The other medication is acamprosate and it helps suppress the urge to drink. While there are some reports that it helps people abstain from drinking alcohol, this is not a universal finding. Helping people discontinue alcohol is billion dollar industry-in most cases, charlatans prey on desperate people and scam them. There is nothing that absolutely works and if it works you will be paying exorbitant sums for it.

Best advice- go cold turkey, and find new friends who do not drink.

Alcohol and facial flushing

I am a female and whenever I drink alcohol, my face goes red. I also feel that my head starts to hurt. These sensations often cause embarrassment because I have to leave the party each time. What is causing this?

Well, this is a well known adverse effect of alcohol. One of the enzymes involved in the breakdown of alcohol is not functioning well and the accumulating byproducts cause the symptoms.

There is only one treatment for this condition-quit drinking alcohol. There is no medication or herb you can take.

Herpes sore

I have just found out that I have a herpes sore on my lips. Is that dangerous?

No, herpes virus infections on the lips are not dangerous but downright annoying. Once you get herpes, it is forever. You will not be able to get rid of it. The virus tends to hide in your nerves and will keep on coming back. Hate to say, but no medication really works and all of them are darn expensive. Acyclovir will only work if you take it within 24 hours of developing symptoms. It only mildly reduces pain but does not shorten the course of the illness by any significant amount. All antiviral medications used to treat herpetic sores are a rip off and often do not work.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Bacterial vaginosis

How does one develop bacterial vaginosis?

Even though bacterial vaginosis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, you can acquire it sexually. You can easily acquire the infection from a new sexual partner and from an old sexual partner who may have been promiscuous behind your back. Other risk factors for bacterial vaginosis include wearing an IUD, excess douching and recent antibiotic use. Some women develop the infection without any of the above risk factors- this is called bad luck.

Allergy to IUD

Can one develop allergy to an IUD?

Sure, some women do develop an allergy to an IUD, but the allergy is usually to the copper, which is part of the device. To check for copper allergy one can have a simple skin test at the doctor’s office. Or if, you want to save money, just wear a piece of copper jewelry on your skin for a few days and see what happens. In most cases, if you are allergic, the skin will go red and will become itchy. Today, there are IUDs available that do not contain copper.

Cymbalta for low back pain

I have been prescribed Cymbalta for my low back pain. It is working but I am gaining weight. Is there anything else I can do?

Cymbalta has been shown to lower pain intensity in patients with fibromylagia and low back pain. Some people do benefit from this drug. The other antidepressants have not been found to work as well. Unfortunately the drug is expensive and does cause significant weight gain. Switching to other antidepressants may not help. I would recommend venlafaxine, which is available as a generic and has been shown to reduce pain in fibromyalgia. In the meantime, eat less and walk more.

Apple cider vinegar for arthritis

Can I use apple cider vinegar for my arthritis?

Sure you can use anything you want, but the question is does it work? While some people report that apple cider vinegar is good for arthritis, these are unconfirmed reports. There are no clinical studies which show that apple cider vinegar actually works for arthritis or for that matter any other disease. We live in a society where charlatans continually make up fictitious claims to make money from desperately ill patients. So far there is no dietary healthy supplement that helps relieve pain or swelling in arthritis. Even glucosamine has been proven to be junk. Therefore, for the moment- all apple cider vinegar will do for you is quench your thirst. If you want your arthritis to get better, go and see a real doctor.

Cymbalta not working

I am on cymbalta at 30 mg per day but my mood is still down. Can I take a herbal supplement?

When you are prescribed anti-depressants, it is recommended that you not take any other type of herbal supplement because of the risk of interactions. The dose of cymbalta you are taking is too small, I think you can safely go to 60-120 mg per day. Speak to your doctor before you increase the dose. I think a higher dose for adults works well.

Cymbalta and hot flashes

I am on 90 mg of cymbalta and recently developed hot sensations on my face and chest. Is this related to the drug?

Yes, cymbalta can produce hot flashes. This tends to occur a night and can even be associated with excess sweating and palpitations. I think you should cut down the dose to 60 mg per day. Speak to your doctor first.

Weight gain with Cymbalta

I am on cymbalta and have gained weight. Any suggestions on what to do?

Please, all antidepressants cause weight gain- some doctors give you a bullshit answer like you may or may not gain weight- that is only to soothe you and get you out of the office. All antidepressants cause weight gain- period. Initially, with some antidepressants you may lose some weight, but with time, you will DEFINITELY gain weight.

The only solution to preventing weight gain is eating less and walking more. There is no other magic bullet to preventing weight gain with these drugs. I want you to understand that it is not the doctor’s fault that these drugs cause weight gain-that is the nature of these drugs. They do reverse depression in most cases, but they also have unpleasant side effects including weight gain.

Stopping Cymbalta

How can I stop Cymbalta?

With almost any drug that works in the brain, the ideal method to stop is to slowly wean them off. Decrease the dose by a quarter every week and within 4-6 weeks you should be fine. However, speak to your doctor first and tell him/her what you intend to do. I am only offering a method of weaning your drug and not asking you to stop it. If the drug is suddenly discontinued-you can develop withdrawal symptoms and your anxiety or depressive symptoms can also return.

Cymbalta dosing

When should I take my cymbalta?

Cymbalta is generally taken once or twice a day. If you take it once a day, then you can either take it at night or during the day. Some people find that the drug makes them sleepy initially, so in that case take it before bedtime. The most important thing is to take it at the same time daily.

Cymbalta for low back pain

Cymbalta is very expensive but it does work for my low back pain. Is there something else I can take?

There is venlafaxine which is available as a generic and a lot cheaper than Cymbalta. I am not sure how effective it is for low back pain- the only way to know is to try it out. It is in the same drug class as cymbalta and I do not see why it would not work.

There are several studies indicating that it does work well for fibromylagia and diabetic neuropathy. The only problem with all these psychiatric medications is that the drug companies paid doctors to do the research and these unethical doctors fudged the data-so no one really knows what works and what does not. 

Venlafaxine is relatively safe and I would try it out for a few months. Most doctors prescribe cymbalta because the pretty sales reps seduce them with gifts (and sometimes hanky panky), and they in return boost sales by prescribing these expensive drugs.

DMSO for joint pain

Does topical DMSO work for joint pain like osteoarthritis?

First, DMSO 50 is only approved for treatment of interstitial cystitis. The liquid formula is instilled into your bladder with a scope- it is not a fun procedure (try inserting a small straw in your urethra and you will get to know what I mean) and you will have a garlic smell for the entire day. There is no other formula of DMSO that has been approved for any other disorder. There are many herbal products that contain DMSO but no one knows the quality or the effectiveness of these products. 

By now you should know that most supplements come from the Orient. And most have been found to contain harmful additives. So I suggest you not use DSMO. Alternative healthcare providers often recommend DMSO- but these wanna be doctors are often clueless and offer bogus treatments.

Antibiotic for rheumatoid arthritis

My doctor has given me an antibitoic for my rheumatoid arthritis? Will it help?

Well, the first thing you need to do is change your doctor. There was a time when it was believed that rheumatoid arthritis was due to an infection. Many doctors used to prescribe tetracyclines for rheumatoid arthritis. This was based on pure speculation and today we know different. There is not one piece of evidence linking rheumatoid arthritis to any bacterial or viral organism. However, some old fashioned doctors continue this antibiotic therapy, more out of ignorance rather than anything else. There is no proof that rheumatoid arthritis is due to an infection and no one has ever been cured of his or her disease with an antibiotic. Today, there are far better and more effective therapies for rheumatoid arthritis than tetracyclines. So get yourself a new doctor or search online for a reputable rheumatologist.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Liver damage

I have had liver damage from a prior infection. Is there anything I can take to build my liver?
Best advice, stop drinking alcohol and lose weight. These are the only two suggestions I have. There is no drug or herb that you can take to rebuild the liver. However, unlike many other organs, the liver is able to regenerate itself over time.

OTC product for sleep

Is there any over the counter medication I can take for sleep?

The two that come to mind are Benadryl and melatonin. Both are useless. Benadryl works for a few days and in addition, does not work in everyone. It is an older generation anti histamine. Melatonin may or may not work. Some people say it works, others say it does not. I have no idea but I do not recommend either. Valerian is also sold for sleep in healthfood stores. It also does not work. Unfortunately, despite advances in medicine, we still do not know how to treat many disorders.

Depression and drugs

I have depression but am afraid to take my medication because of possible side effects. What do you recommend?

My best advice is you need to treat your depression first and worry about the side effects later. There is no drug that does not have side effects. Most of the newer SSRI are fairly safe drugs. They may cause a headache, weight gain and decrease your libido. But if the drug can reverse your depression, this is a small price to pay. Go speak to a good psychiatrist. Depression is a life long illness which if not treat properly can seriously make your miserable. There is no herb, lotion, potion or cream that can effectively treat depression.

Treatment for Acne

I have bad acne and would like to use a drug to quickly get rid of it. I am a 22-year-old male.

If I was you, the first thing I would do is not see any dim-witted general practitioner. Most general physicians know nothing about skin disorders. You need to see a good skin doctor. There are many antibiotics used to treat acne, but they all suck. The best drug is vitamin A derivative like retinoids; you can get a topical cream or a pill. Ask your doctor for isotretinoin- it will do wonders. Do not accept the BS prescription for an antibiotic-they are a waste of money