Saturday, November 16, 2013

Salicylic peel for Acne

Do you think a salicylic peel can help my acne?

Only if you believe that there is Santa Claus. Acne is a difficult skin problem and no one treatment seems to work in everyone. As far as chemical peels are concerned, they do not work well at all for acne. In fact, more often than not, the skin condition will worsen. Please do not listen to the skin doctors and therapists who tell you that peels are the next best thing since slice bread. Just read the online reviews about peels and you will discover that the majority of people have a poor result. In addition, most people are out of hundreds of dollars.

I believe that the best treatment for acne is the retinoids. You will need a prescription for it. Try it, you will not be disappointed.  Trust me, I do not have any personal interest (or shares) in the product.

As far as peels are concerned, keep away from doctors who recommend this shit.

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