Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cymbalta for low back pain

Cymbalta is very expensive but it does work for my low back pain. Is there something else I can take?

There is venlafaxine which is available as a generic and a lot cheaper than Cymbalta. I am not sure how effective it is for low back pain- the only way to know is to try it out. It is in the same drug class as cymbalta and I do not see why it would not work.

There are several studies indicating that it does work well for fibromylagia and diabetic neuropathy. The only problem with all these psychiatric medications is that the drug companies paid doctors to do the research and these unethical doctors fudged the data-so no one really knows what works and what does not. 

Venlafaxine is relatively safe and I would try it out for a few months. Most doctors prescribe cymbalta because the pretty sales reps seduce them with gifts (and sometimes hanky panky), and they in return boost sales by prescribing these expensive drugs.

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