Thursday, November 7, 2013

Dr Phil's Weight loss Diet

I have been trying to lose weight and have been thinking of using Dr Phil’s weight loss diet. What do you think?

In just a few words- Dr Phil is FOS. Everyone who goes on TV to become a talk show host wants to write a book on diet. Oprah wrote a book, Dr Oz has a book, and Suzanne Sommers has many books. Now loud mouth, Mr. know it all, Dr Phil who has written a book on diet.

The diet book by Dr Phil is based on a psychological and behavior approach on how to stop eating. You must take control of your impulses, relieve stress, balance your emotions, leave in peace, and reach out and touch someone (or yourself). Taking care of emotions is the first step to weight loss. Dr Phil also mentions that one should alter their lifestyle, throw out junk food, stop buying pop beverages and sugary foods- flood the kitchen with whole wheat and high fiber foods- few calories but a lot of POOP.

Not all is bad about Dr Phil’s diet plan. He recommends exercise at all costs, join a support group, start walking, jumping -do something. The diet book is boring. Dr Phil has his usual dull anecdotes and charts.

As far as diet is concerned- buy foods that are bulky, difficult to cook and even more difficult to eat- lots of Yams, plantains or cassava- lots of fiber, carbohydrates, and minerals. Do not eat processed food, avoid sugars and drink lots of herbal tea. Moreover, if you are broke and still overweight, drink lots of water.

He recommends eating small portions and avoiding ready-made snacks, as you will definitely over eat. He says foods must be difficult to access and thus, one will not indulge. This will develop a habit of eating less by taking the desire away. If you love beer, then you are out of luck, because Dr Phil says you cannot touch a drop. Go to the gym instead. Substitute your coca cola with a diet soda or try sex for exercise.

What do the experts say? It is great advice, encourages balanced diet, exercise, positive attitude and changing life styles. Dr Phil’s diet approach is gradual so you definitely will not be on his show at least for a year or two.

As to how many people have used Dr Phil’s diet and lost weight is not known- but I am sure there must be a few. Negative testimonials on Dr Phil’s diet are few.

However, anyone looking at Oprah can tell that the woman is heavy or fat. In addition, she is the one who made Dr Phil famous. Now don’t you think for a minute that if Dr Phil's diet worked, Oprah would have tried it and gotten slim? Oprah has mentioned that she has a personal trainer and has her own weight loss expert- and Dr Phil’s name is not even mentioned. Best advice, start walking more and eating less.

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