Saturday, September 7, 2013

Alternative therapy for herpes

Are there any alternative therapies to treat herpes simplex?

The treatment of herpes simplex sucks and most people are not satisfied with conventional medical therapy. Everyone wants instant relief and when this fails, people seek alternative care. The alternative health care business is flourishing even without back up from any scientific data. The reason is patient gullibility (and stupidity) because of false claims made by this industry.

Every type of nutritive and herbal agent has been postulated to help cure herpes. From consuming mega doses of vitamins and minerals, to gouging on the liver, spleen, thymus, eating elephant shit, licking rhino’s buttocks, sucking on a camel’s anus, rubbing the lips with donkey's urine, fingering a chicken’s arse, smelling women’s dirty underpants and wearing pig skin to name only a few. In addition, hundreds of herbs are sold as a remedy for herpes- teas, powders, lotions, potions, capsules of every kind are sold- some are recommended to be taken in orally, some to be pasted on the lips and others to placed in the rectum. The crazy thing is that millions of people buy these products because they are desperate and/or stupid. 

Other therapies that have been used to treat herpes include acupuncture, psychological therapy, behavioral counseling and massage therapy,

Unfortunately, none of these therapies work. So stop wasting your hard earned money on crap

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