Saturday, September 14, 2013

Is DHEA available to enhance sexual function in women?

There is no doubt that DHEA can mimic the effects of estrogen in the body and is also known to enhance sexual function. The hormone can thicken vaginal wall lining and also increase lubrication. For post menopausal women, who tend to have painful intercourse, this can be a blessing.

At the moment, low dose DHEA is being evaluated for treatment of vaginal atrophy in post menopausal women. The initial studies indicate that not only does the hormone increase lubrication of the vagina, it also enhances the quality of orgasms. 

However, the evidence that DHEA is the “Sex Drug” like Viagra for women continues to be mixed. Women are complex creatures and decreased libido has multiple causes.

The only way to know if DHEA will boost your sex life is to try it out. If you take it, I suggest letting your healthcare provider know. Limit the duration of intake for 4-6 weeks at a time. No one knows what the long term effects of DHEA are. You certainly do not want to become a crazed nymphomanic for 6 weeks, only to find out that you got some type of cancer afterwards.

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