Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Surgery for lumbar herniation

I was in a motor vehicle accident a year ago and recently had an MRI that shows a lumbar herniation. I have severe back pain. My doctor recommends surgery. What do you think?

Best advice I can give you (and I am a surgeon) is to avoid all spine surgeons. The results are horrific to say the least. While a handful of patients may have improved, the majority of patients who undergo spine surgery are worse off. The surgery is crude, these surgeons have poor skills and have no respect for delicate tissues. 

If you had your MVA a year ago, then you have chronic back pain. Nothing can help you except physical therapy. Join an exercise program, walk, swim or bicycle- but at all costs avoid these money hungry spine surgeons. 
Not only will you be out of thousands of dollars but there is ZERO guarantee that the surgery will work.

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